Custom Sifting And Vibrating Equipment

Being supplied with the proper sifting materials necessary to separate various substances used during the manufacturing process is essential for accuracy and speed. A company that sells mesh screens that are carefully woven and that contain a clear opening or tight knit pattern offers products that are used in various indoor or outdoor work settings.

The Material Type

Screen mesh includes rigid fabrics that can hold weighty items and softer-textured fabrics that can be used to sift fine granules and small amounts of light materials. Mesh screen falls into two main categories, which include an open face design and one that is tightly bound. The open face design is suitable for large mixtures that only contain a couple items that need to be separated.

As the bulk of the materials fall through the wide holes, solid materials that are larger in diameter will remain in the sifter. High carbon, oil-tempered, and stainless steel are three mesh materials to choose from. Each one is designed to be used in a specific environment and may provide qualities that will ensure that a piece of mesh remains intact, even if it is exposed to high temperatures or moisture. 

The Design And Supportive Aids

Cloth-edged screens could be easier for your employees to manage than screens that are rigid and constructed of metal. The cloth will remain flexible, allowing each sifting application to comfortably be performed. For applications that are going to be used in conjunction with equipment that is onsite, a screen mesh tray may need to be slid into a bracket or secured to the top or the side of a piece of equipment.

Perforated plates and slotted screens are two types of heavy duty mesh that can be used with equipment that is electrically-operated. If your employees need to separate materials into adjacent bins, a material distributor will support their efforts. A distributor is a chamber that rests underneath a screen mesh surface. As components come into contact with the mesh, the lighter, smaller items will fall into the compartment that is resting directly underneath the area where materials were poured.

A pair of spray bars that are secured over a sifting tray will wash away oversized materials. This type of equipment will aid in keeping the mesh material in operable order and will reduce disruptions associated with the manufacturing process. When ordering new wire mesh products, seek guidance with accessories that will support your employees efforts. Learn more about custom wire mesh today. 
